Comments Received by barnwulf

25388View photo
Vent Tubes
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 01-20-15 21:05barnwulf wrote:
I appreciate your comment on this. - jim
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25424View photo
Ramp Railing
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 07-03-12 08:17barnwulf wrote:
Thank you Sam. - Jim
25816View photo
Tree Shadow
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 01-22-12 20:10barnwulf wrote:
Thank you, Marco
25817View photo
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 01-20-12 15:10barnwulf wrote:
Thanks, Paul. Jim
25552View photo
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 12-26-11 08:23barnwulf wrote:
Thank you Luigi! Jim
25503View photo
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 12-21-11 13:05barnwulf wrote:
Thank you Paul. It might have something to do with the texture of the stone. Jim
25446View photo
Parking Garage Wall
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 12-15-11 07:16barnwulf wrote:
Thank you Paul. Jim
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25370View photo
Silos 1
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 12-09-11 20:33barnwulf wrote:
Thank you, Carlos. Much appreciated. Jim
25332View photo
Paper Sign
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 12-07-11 15:01barnwulf wrote:
Thanks Paul. I shot this in B&W earlier and then went back with Ektar loaded and shot it in color. I like the color version better. Jim
25304View photo
Parking Lot
Photo by barnwulf
🕐 12-05-11 17:40barnwulf wrote:
Thank you Carlos. I also shoot some architectural things as well. Some will be on here soon. Jim
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